Monday, May 20, 2013

Why Monday isn't so Sucky!

Hi new friends--thanks for joining me on this new blogging adventure. In an effort to push myself into the blogging community (filled with lots and lots of lovelies) I am joining Marvelous Mondays -- thanks to Healthy Diva Life for this cool Monday link up!

So why is today so GREAT? Well, I finally am kicking my ass at the gym again. Just to back-up, I've been working out 6-7 days a week for the past 2 years...but recently I started thinking, maybe I'm not seeing results because I'm not going hard enough. TRUTH! Maybe watching HGTV for an hour on the arc trainer and then doing some light stretching and planks isn't going to do it. I know I have the Lululemon workout pants and love pinning "workout inspiration" but really, Cassie. MOVE. YO. ASS. SISTER.

So that I did--yesterday and today I did similar sequences at the gym but I am gradually adding more in. For cardio I do--25 minutes of intervals on the arc trainer and a 30 minute interval run on the treadmill. Followed up with a plank/squat/lunge/wall sit combination and I left feeling like a sweaty beast--which was MARVELOUS!

Also, life is marvelous because my sister is home from Spain after being abroad for 4 1/2 months. I am so happy to have her home!'s my mom's birthday--she's seriously the best person I have ever known.
(L-R, then Clockwise)
1. Sister back
2. Dry Bar, I'm finally coming for you (since I have a coupon)
3. New dress in the mail for an upcoming wedding
4. Can't wait to try this tomorrow (thanks Blogilates!)
5. Happy Birthday Mommy!

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